Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Journals - Week 4

After looking at it for a few days I decided there was something not quite right, about the header, so I swapped it for a different image, one which I took on Saturday. I believe that image has really brought it to life. It was this open and friendly energy of the country market, that the spring sun emphasises, in the image I have used, which I think will be a permanent fixture of the site for the time-being.
I am finding that div's are making a lot more sense now. It is hard to understand the dimensions sometimes. Taking into consideration both the size of the page, size of div's and then the size of text all complicate matters within the style sheet.
I started the second page including the list of stall owners, products that each offers, as well as drawing up the plans (on paper) for the gallery that I intend to input here. I began looking at ways in which I can create a gallery, such as using Java Script. Looked also into the functions of J-Query. At first it seems quite complicated, I will come back to this when I get closer to doing the
The third page will be the 'About Us' page which initially will be location and directions. I started to draw out a map in adobe Illustrator of the Milltown area indicating the absolute location of the Old Church. I will do a second more general map for the area of Kerry showing the other local towns and roads.

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