Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Journals - Week 1

The first step on this interesting and exciting applied practice, in which I am to build a website for local community co-operative enterprise - Milltown Market & Organic Store, was to meet with proprietor Mary O'Riordan to discuss the elements of the content to be included.

The main points we discussed surrounded the process involved on my part, for instance the need to source a hosting service for the site. We discussed the point that there would be (the only) costs involved in this part of designing and putting up the site. Mary was happy with this. We also talked about the set up of the market and the ways in which the pages of the site could be representative of the particular style of market.

I have begun to collect images. I was unlucky with the weather on both days that I visited this week. Indoor shots in the church really demand bright sunlight. It is important to gather many images to help in deciding angles and distances for the images that get used on the site.

I thought about which software program to use for the project. Abode Dreamweaver was the obvious first possibility. The site is to be welcoming and fun, not too businesslike. There will be no need for a database as Mary has no interest in doing online sales. Advertisement is the prime direction for the site, so the aesthetic element will be key.

The church exterior is very attractive & an important feature of Milltown and I hope to use an image of it on the main/home page.

I visited the Saturday market and introduced myself to all the stall-holders that were there this week. It was a lovely sunny day perfect to capture the goings-on internal and external. Sadly at this time of year it is particularly quiet so it doesn't really look bustling or even busy at any point, which would be better in order to portray a vibrant atmosphere in order to attract new customers.

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