Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Journals - Week 6

The home page looks more complete now. I added the large window image as a watermark, finished off the second map and placed both maps upon the 'About Us' page, then added some descriptive text.
Another of my tasks this week was to e-mail the stall-holders with the hope of getting some information to put up on the 'Stalls' page as at present it is just an empty shell.
I visited the market again this saturday, it has taken this long to meet all of the people involved in it's running as some only come on a monthly basis.
Here are the few pieces of info on the stalls that I have edited down thus far:

  1. The Breadcrumb. Manuela Goeb. Freshly baked daily in stone-hearth oven by highly experienced bakers. Genuinely use traditional German baking techniques, actual ingredients and dough leavening processes.
  2. Real Chocolate. Kathleen de Villiers. Handmade Easter eggs, Christmas biscuits, St. Patricks Day edibles, Valentine's & Mother's/Father's day chocolates. Edible party novelties (for childrens' parties), meringues, cheese scones, buttermilk scones, cakes and sugar/coconut biscuits.
  3. Medical Herbalist. Christine Best. Any health concerns, everyday cough or cold or a more chronic, long term condition, you are welcome to ask her advice on herbs that may help. 7 years practicing experience in Tralee.
I worked more on learning neccessary elements of Java Script and in particular JQuery. I like the idea of the intra-page link. #Anchors change within the page reducing the need for the whole page to reload each time a link is pressed.

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