Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Journals - Week 8

I have found it rather more difficult gathering the required information from the stall-holders than I imagined. A few have provided communications via e-mail, some don't have e-mail though so I am dependent on seeing them in person, yet in the main, they are very busy and tend to forget during the week or weeks between markets.

I began to research different ways of creating a gallery for the stalls page. I drew up a basic design on paper which is basically an unordered list, of the products / services offered, on click the link opens with Javascript ($Jquery) within the same page. I will do up the HTML for each image and then use the onclick="changeImg" Script function including fades. It is very useful the way that JQuery works so closely with the CSS selectors. this is very simple level Javascript but nevertheless is both effective and efficient. Requiring only minimal amounts of extra code. At first I thought I would never get it but really it's the same with all code, familiarity always helps a huge amount!

I feel much more comfortable with HTML & CSS, now that I have been working on an actual site, in a real work situation. I am looking forward to delving into Java Script much more as it seems to be an incredible language.

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