Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Journals - Week 5

Mary provided the details for the home page, I set to editing it (with her consent.) We also viewed the progress made to date and discussed what could be done to improve the site. The majority of my time this week was spent working with and becoming more familiar with HTML & developing a greater understanding of the way style-sheets function. I finished the first map and began the second one.

I found a piece of free software which enables you to point at colours anywhere on screen and automatically ascertain the Hexadecimal and the RGB numbers. This is extremely useful indeed. This made it easier to pick out particular hues and shades within the images, to build up the structure of the page, such as the greens for text and the menu bar.

I worked on some more images for the footer. A Bridgestone Best in Ireland 2010 Award and one of the signs from outside the front of the church. I used the numerous tools in Photoshop here to separate the Award panel from it's background and hide the screws and brackets on the sign.

I started to compile a list in order to remain on top of all the stall-owners. I collected e-mails where available. It was my hope that each of the stall-holders would contribute a small paragraph each and either e-mail it to me or write it on paper and give it to me next time I see them.

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